If you fell for our April Fools’ Day gag…you’re in good company! It’s all in jest, of course. As George Washington wrote in 1786, “it is assuredly better to go laughing than crying thro’ the rough journey of life.” …
APRIL FOOLS! Young Abraham Lincoln Joins Colonial Williamsburg
The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation is proud to announce the arrival of its newest Nation Builder: Young Abraham Lincoln.
Upgrade the Background on Your Phone…CW Style (13 Photos)
Like New Year’s, there’s something about the spring that makes us all want to get organized—and in 2016, that includes devices.
Social Media Has a Blast at Our New Educational Musket Range (Pun Intended!)
To say I was “excited” about our social media team trying out the new educational musket range would be an understatement. Sure, the point was first-hand experience to better answer questions from our followers…but as an American historian and farm girl, I was pumped. #Christmasmorning…
Albert Durant: A Lens Focused Upon African American History
Renowned photographer Ansel Adams once said, “Photography is more than a medium for factual communication of ideas. It is a creative art.” African American photographer Albert Durant accomplished both, melding talent and style with a desire to document the world around him. What resulted was an unusually vivid lens into everyday black life and culture in the mid-twentieth century—one that visitors to the John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library can experience themselves, throughout the month of February….